
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sneak Preview

Confession: when I get a project I get excited about, I put everything else aside and start on it.

This may not always be the best choice when it comes to time management and getting things done on time. But it's the most fun.

So the day after I got the order for baby owl hats to be used for photography props, I started on them. As you can see here:

I then decided to set it aside and finish up a few other projects....

Then came the "Snowpacalyse" which really wasn't the storm of the century. At any rate, it did provide me some extra time to get some knitting done. I ended up continuing to work on the owl hats hence:

I think this might be one of the cutest things I have made to date. The Bullseye, I believe, still takes the prize. In this picture though the owl is not fully completed. You will have to come back and wait until I get some good pictures of it and get the pattern drafted.

I am also considering making this the first pattern that I sell. I know many people go through the dilemma of whether or not to make money off of selling their patterns. I don't see a problem with it as there is so much time and effort put into it, not to mention purchasing the materials to make our prototypes. So while I am finishing up the pattern I will make my mind decide to sell or not to sell.

But I digress, I can't wait to get up pictures of the finished product as there are many fun things added to the hat to make it so much fun! perfect for a newborn shoot!

Stay tuned for the finished version!

1 comment:

  1. OMG i LOOOOOVVVEEEEE that hat it is adorable!!!! denise is going to love it!
