
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Home, Sweet Home

I am back from my wonderful, never long enough yearly vacation to Florida. Every year my family goes to Disney's Vero Beach Resort and going back there truly is like going home!

This year lived up to my expectations in almost every way. I read 8 books in 10 days while sitting on the beach or getting sun in a chair by the pool. I mean with views like these how can you complain!

My one downfall was a major lack of knitting. I didn't even make a dent in my projects. So this week it's back to work!!

We also got to see our friends that live in Orlando while we were down there. Us girls of course had to take a picture making the "Christina face." I sure can't wait until they get to move up to cold Michigan!

Well this should be a good week for knitting for me, despite the complete lack during vacation! I am starting my new job next week so there will be an adjustment time to work in all of my projects. So it's off to attack my to-do lists for this week!

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