
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nina's Bow Holder

I know Christmas is over, but for me there is a whole slew of birthdays coming up in my family. And I truly mean a whole slew as there are 6 between Feb 13th and March 21st. So this for me means basically round 2 of Christmas. So that means more delayed posts as I can't post up all the fun projects I have in the works. I just finished one last night that I want to keep! But that will be posted soon!

SO since most of my projects cannot be posted, I will post one that I love but have no one for which to make it. My friend Nina, which also put up a post about me here (thanks for the awesome shout out btw), made something that made me wish I had a little girl in my life that would use this adorable bow holder. I am not even going to post pictures of it because I want you to check it out for yourself. She also posted the link for the tutorial where she got the idea.

So for all of you that have someone to make this for, enjoy it!

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1 comment:

  1. you are too sweet katie!!
    thank you!

    i also have some more business for you. Matt's cousin wants a bunny, actually 2, i found a tutorial online i will email it too you.
