
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Anthropology Inspirations!

Recently, I have been loving the store Anthropology. Unfortunately, I have not been loving their prices!! So I have decided that I could make some of the stuff I have seen and loved there myself.

My sister showed me a really great headband/earwarmer from there that really was just some basic braided cables! I also had just bought the perfect yarn for the project. The pattern for that will be up soon!

I also saw another great headband that I whipped up in no time! Pattern for that coming as well. (picture can be found here)

Finally, there is a gorgeous bedspread that Kojo Designs made. I definitely am planning on making that as soon as I need a new spread!

Once the holiday season comes to a close I will be posting a whole lot more often! Also I will have multiple new patterns for you to try out!

1 comment:

  1. so earlier I was on your blog and i found an anthro inspired braided cable headband and now i cant find it :/
